
Showing posts from March, 2018

A serious man: Movie review

Originally published at on Saturday, February 9, 2013 Picture courtesy Wikipedia Saw this movie on a whim, and I am glad that I did so! I remember being interested in the movie as it was written and directed by the Coen brothers -  Ethan  and  Joel . “Receive with simplicity everything that happens to you.” ― Rashi The movie begins with this message. The next ten minutes are devoted to a sequence which happens at an age much earlier than in which the movie is shown. The connection between this sequence and the rest of the movie will lead to debates after you have watched the movie! A serious man is about Larry Gopnik, a Jewish physics professor. The story is set in the 70's in a town in the U.S. Larry's life is laden with signs, and he is trying to make sense of it all. He does not seem to get peace at work, at home, or even while he is around his home.His wife wants to divorce him for no reason. His son's  Bar Mitzvah  (

Dexter: Series review

This series is based on a book called " Darkly dreaming Dexter ", and  Dearly devoted Dexter  by Jeff Lindsay An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, said Mahatma Gandhi . Dexter Morgan lives by a separate set of rules - "The code". This is an alternate justice system. It's not about revenge, but about clearing the dregs of society. About taking the law into your own hands. Of making the world a better place, one kill at a time. Vigilantism is a common phenomenon across the world (I guess). People have a variety of reasons to resort to this - political affliction, honour, love, madness, paranoia. For Dexter, it is about channeling a "dark passenger" One of the books Dexter Morgan's character is a complex one. He starts off (in the series) as a blood splatter analyst, a brother and a vigilante, and straddles the roles of a partner, lover, dad (and local bowling team member) eventually. Is he a good man? Or a bad one? What about s