
Showing posts from September, 2018

Salinjaui gieokbeo (Memoir of a murderer) : South Korean movie review

My spree of watching South Korean movies continues. Next I watched this movie, based on a novel ( A murderer's guide to memorization ) by Kim Young- Ha  . I have not read the book, but the movie is gripping! There have been different movies based on the premise of the mind and memory, and I find this topic to be a really fascinating one. After all, we're still discovering interesting insights about the brain. This movie does justice to the topic, as it makes you think, and takes you through the protagonist's mind and his dilemma. Your memory is your best friend. What do you do when you cannot rely on it? What method will you adopt to ensure that you stay sane and trust what you know? How do you protect the citadel of your reality? Can anything erase the core of your being? This is what we're set to unravel... Source The initial half of the movie has a very dark mood, with shots at night, or late in the evening. The dege