
Showing posts from 2019

Wild, Wild country: series review

Back in the day I used to read various articles from Osho in the TOI  - the speaking tree (?). The ideas were profound, to say the least. Then I didn't know too much about the man, except his name.  Gradually over the course of the next few years, I understood more. I knew there was an ashram in Pune and that Osho had a large number of followers till date, but that was about as far as my knowledge went. Fast forward a couple of decades, and it is a coincidence that Firangi mentioned some earth shattering facts one day, just around the time the documentary was getting released. I was stunned by what I heard from him. As always, I was hooked. Then I got a chance to watch this documentary a few days later, and I was as surprised as I ever was. Everything seemed like fiction to me (isn't it?). Did they actually move to the U.S? Did they really have their own police force, a private aircraft landing strip and much more? Long live Firangi for keeping the spirit of quizzing and triv

The office (U.S) T V series review

We used to watch this series during the high and dry days in Chennai. Back then it was introduced to us by the talented memeya. The show and specifically some of its characters were the subjects of multiple memes and now I see why - this is a very popular series, and the sporadic episodes which we used to watch back then always had us in splits. Courtesy imdb This one is based on the original show from the U.K, and has been remade in the U.S. The show follows the everyday work lives of employees in a fictitious paper company, Dunder Mifflin, in Scranton, PA . The show employs a unique narration technique. It feels like a documentary, although there is no voice-over or laugh track, so it feels different. The subjects interact with the camera in between shots, giving us their take on events. This technique is called "Cinema Verite". Learn more : " What is cinema verite? " By Tobias Deml - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Gok-seong (The wailing) : South Korean movie review

The wailing. I watched this movie based on continuing a streak of watching Korean movies. Needless to say, I am in complete awe of the creativity and level of thought that has been put in (to create the chaos?). The movie begins with these verses from the bible. The reason it is shown will be clear towards the end of the movie.You may also use the verses to ground you to a logical reference point, when everything goes awry and nothing follows the norm. Get ready for a wild ride. In the first half, tense moments are interspersed with comical ones, mostly courtesy the bungling policemen. In the second half, things get much more serious. Myth, fiction, fact, folklore and nightmare mingle in the storyline, to create a heady cinematic experience. What is the dream? What is the reality? You will question everything here. I feel the movie is intentionally narrated in a way to include multiple points up for discussion. Instead of having only the ending ambiguous so that the viewer

That '70s Show: series review

This show is about a bunch of teenagers growing up in the 70's in Wisconsin, U.S.A. The show revolves around Eric Forman and his friends, on the cusp of adulthood, through the revelry, invincibility and nonchalance of youth. Most of the show is shot in Eric's basement where everyone hangs out, goofs around and discusses life, crushes, rock and roll, and everything else in between. As this is the 70's, there are a lot of bell bottom pants, long hair, records, record stores, band tee shirts, the best music ever, and of course, the sweet leaf to experience everything, through the psychedelic, purple haze. We don't need no education, as the show is more about the personal side of the characters. The vain and spoiled Jackie Burkhart . Epitome of cool Steven Hyde .  Donna , Eric's wonderwall.  Fez , the foreigner with a penchant for the weird, women and cookies. Eric , star wars nerd, finding his way. Kelso  , who has a way around women and finds ways to fall all alo