
Showing posts from January, 2018


What can be said? It's hard to think of something that encompassed so many emotions and moments. When was the last time you delayed watching a series ending because you didn't want it to end? Because this is what I did, for the longest time, until I felt I was ready to accept that the series had ended, after avenger told me so. What is this series all about? We have six friends in their early 20's, trying to get through their lives in NYC in the 90's. Monica is the clean freak and control freak who loves to cook and host people.  Chandler is the sarcastic one and is extremely funny, and I mean roll around laughing-funny! Rachel is the fashionista who is trying to find her footing in being independent. Joey is a charming flirt, and a struggling actor. Phoebe is the quirky one, a masseuse with a rough past, and she is also into the occult. Ross is the nerd paleontologist who has a history with Rachel.  Most of the scenes are shot in Central Perk, a coffee shop, or i