What can be said?

It's hard to think of something that encompassed so many emotions and moments. When was the last time you delayed watching a series ending because you didn't want it to end? Because this is what I did, for the longest time, until I felt I was ready to accept that the series had ended, after avenger told me so.

What is this series all about? We have six friends in their early 20's, trying to get through their lives in NYC in the 90's. Monica is the clean freak and control freak who loves to cook and host people.  Chandler is the sarcastic one and is extremely funny, and I mean roll around laughing-funny! Rachel is the fashionista who is trying to find her footing in being independent. Joey is a charming flirt, and a struggling actor. Phoebe is the quirky one, a masseuse with a rough past, and she is also into the occult. Ross is the nerd paleontologist who has a history with Rachel.  Most of the scenes are shot in Central Perk, a coffee shop, or in one of their apartments.

This series encompasses lots of things which most people in their 20's can relate to - friendship, longing, heartache, learning to be independent, being there for each other, crushes, love, career troubles, and just goofing around. Many of the sequences are a roller coaster ride of emotions - you go through euphoria, hurt, freedom, pain, hope, longing and mirth. Well, I used to watch this series when they used to air it on TV. Those were all random episodes, and they were a lot of fun to watch, i.e. isolated episodes. I must have seen so many episodes so many times, but each viewing stays fresh, as the fresh dew each morning. I guess this series is so powerful and beyond the clutches of time, that it will be trending for the next few centuries. The humor is unlike anything I have ever seen, and it increases our sense of humor too! Naughty topics are handled well in this series :)

What makes this series timeless? The writing? The team who brought the characters to life? The people who became the characters? It's a tough question. In many cases, we outgrow our likes and dislikes. What we liked 5 years ago may seem silly today. But that isn't the case with this series. Upon subsequent viewings, we still laugh out as hard as we did the first time we saw it :) Knowing exactly what happens next doesn't cloud the humor at all. It's like visiting an old, familiar, special place with good memories. Lots and lots of dialogues have attained legend status in pop culture - who can forget Joey's "How you doing....", Ross's "Unagi..." and many more sequences? This series set the benchmark for sitcoms in gold.

The chemistry that these people shared has been amazing! To pull this off for a decade, straight, just imagine. The brain doesn't register the fact that these are actors, and it won't believe that this is scripted. For me, these are people who have stayed the same, the way we remember them from the series. If I see recent interviews of these stars, I go into denial mode. How can these people become old and have wrinkled skin, and white hair? They cannot, because they are immortal. They have brought so much joy, happiness and laughter to this world :)

I remember, we used to have friends quizzes back when we used to visit other college fests, and Dhiru was really big into it :) One of the best memories is watching this with friends, during a really lousy year (?), when everything around had crumbled to nothingness. A year when reason eloped with meaning and sacrificed themselves on the altar of the devil himself. This series was the island where us troubled souls sought refuge. This series was the alternate reality which we deliberately and carefully constructed. This series became immersion, escape..

a very sad moment in TV history

But then, allow me to criticize. I felt that the series could have been a bit shorter. The on- again - off - again relationship (no spoilers - my policy!) went on for a bit too long, I thought. And, reflecting on the characters, I felt sad that Joey's Character wasn't given the definition and conclusion it deserved.

When I watch this series again, it brings to me a rush of memories. Of good times, with good friends :) So, if you haven't watched the series yet, go ahead and watch it!

Dedicated to my friends.
(Thanks, Kripa for proofreading this :) )


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