
Showing posts from January, 2022

A Billion colour story: The best movie you've not heard about

 Trailer.   Source This is not a movie. It's a mirror, showing us what the world is going through. A mirror showing us a glimpse of the grotesque caricature of ourselves that we've become. It does not matter from which "country" you are. In today's world, one might relate to this movie if you're willing to agree that something is fundamentally wrong in the the world we're in, and in the direction we're heading towards.  It is an island in the turbulent ocean, an oasis in the desert of unreason and a bright star in a dark sky. A time and place for you to stop and think. The tree in the desert where the bone- dry skeletons that our conscious, logic, kinship and minds are lie, continuously pecked by the merchants of hate, the peddlers of lies and by the megalomaniacs that rule primetime. About what kind of a nightmare world we have allowed to consume us and our souls.  I mean, if refugees are allowed from an imploding, war - torn country based on their &q

Rockstar: Hindi movie thoughts

It has been a decade since this movie got released. Like experiencing a fine aged wine, we wanted to see this movie again. Like a mysterious elixir, this movie has aged beautifully. I think, once the impact of this movie gets imprinted on your brain, it doesn't fade. Randomly, in the middle of nowhere, if someone plays " Sadda Haq ", or " Kun Faya Kun ", the same feelings will be dredged up as they did, from 2011. That is the purity of the songs and the movie. Source Narrated in a non- linear fashion, the movie follows the journey of a Delhi college lad who nurses ambitions of becoming a famous guitarist and singer. Upon being told about how great musicians led painful lives which inspired their music, he sets out in search of love/ pain ("The pain should be so intense that you should bleed words. Better be a word man, rather than a bird man."). Little does he known that the pull of love is all - consuming, like moth to flame. The path you indicate tow