Goodachari (Spy): Telugu movie review

Like Evaru, this one was suggested by home minister and also by Firangi, so it would be interesting, without doubt. The right boxes for this movie are - spy thriller, patriotism, good quality action. I'm a HUGE spy book/ movie buff so I immediately jumped on this one. So, what's the scene here?

A young man, Adivi Shesh (as Gopi), is driven by his goal of serving the nation. Of following in his father's footsteps, who was a RAW agent and gave up his life for the nation. Does a greater honour exist? Gopi, after losing his father at a very young age, is brought up by his father's friend, Prakash Raj (as Satya). Satya is very protective of Gopi and he does not want him to follow his father's footsteps.

The movie is about Gopi's journey of getting into the RAW agency, training and the twists and turns he encounters after his posting, in his quest for the truth. Check out the bgm hereTrailer.

Spanning atleast a couple of countries and multiple locations,  this is a fast - paced movie once the stage is set and the characters are introduced one by one. And the characters are awesome! The flow of the movie and the characters take your mind down a possible path, but you should remember that things aren't always the way they seem... Flashbacks have been integrated into the storyline in an expert fashion. At some places I could see inspirations from other spy movies, but the execution here is top - notch.  The narration is really gripping, and I totally tripped out during this movie. Maybe I'm biased by my fascination with spies, my highest regard for our country and those who serve it, or because I was pleasantly surprised by what I saw, but I'm impressed. 

I don't think we have a lot of good - quality spy movies from India, but this one is an exception.  The quality of the computer effects are far superior than what you would expect in a movie made at a modest budget of ₹ 6 Cr. It would have been an awesome experience to watch this in the theatres. 

There are stupendous performances all round. Adivi is slick as the idealistic young man with a noble aim.  Shobhita Dhupalia is sweltering and resplendent as Sam, and you suspect the turn the movie takes at her arrival. Supriya Yarlagadda  (Nadia) is the woman who is in charge. Jagapathi Babu (as Raghuveer) was stunning! This was the first movie of his I watched and I loved his acting. Prakash Raj's role is impactful. The top - notch background music took my pulse racing a few notches higher. The cinematography and editing are expert - level. I really want to watch this movie again.

The movie maintains a tense mood throughout, leading to an unexpected climax. Except for one scene, I didn't feel like the rest were illogical/ overdone / meaningless. It is really easy to screw up this kind of a movie, and it is a huge achievement on the team's part to pull this off. Also, what I didn't like: what is the need to forcibly add comedy in this otherwise splendid movie? I mean, isn't that like salt and sugar? I didn't get this at all.

Over and out. 116 reporting for duty.

Watch this for a very well- made spy/ thriller movie, and if you love a really good plot, without the drama. 

(Thanks, Krips, for the insights and for proofreading ;) )


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