Love mocktail: Kannada movie review

This is a heartwarming movie about love in different stages of a guy's life. The storyline follows the journey of the protagonist, Adi (Krishna/ Sunil Kumar N) to Udupi. On the way, he ends up rescuing Aditi (Rachana Inder) from a bad situation. The movie spans their conversation, with Adi narrating his stories from school, college and corporate life to her.
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The portrayal of infatuation to love as Adi moves from being a young boy, to a teenager and onward as a young man has been shown in a funny, candid and realistic way. I'm sure the section of school days will bring a smile and nostalgic recollections of warm memories to a lot of people. WWE cards, the numerous crushes, fooling around with girls, tuition, silly fights and best friends! Then we move to college . Adi is in love with another girl, and he experiences the dizzy, euphoric highs, crushing voids and thousand cuts that it brings.

Even though his friends advise him against it, Adi goes to all extents to save his relationship, something which may be rare in today's generation . He is committed, beyond all faults.He takes the euphoria and sadness in his stride and goes with the flow, always optimistic. That might be my favorite takeaway from the movie.
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Through the movie, friendship and love play major roles. From school to college and during work life, Adi experiences the various stages of relationships, and his friends stay close to him. This movie has a true portrayal of how friends should be. We all have those special friends who stuck around and kept us grounded when the world spun out of control. I am fortunate to have such friends.

I was lost in a reverie of the simple era of aloofness, Nokia feature phones, prepaid recharges, 0 balance days, 100 text messages per day and waiting for midnight so that the counter resets :) It was a trippy experience to witness the area around my college, places were 4 glorious years were spent.

Nidhi (Milana Nagaraj) is resplendent and her 1000 watt smile brightens the screen. Her character is a revelation. She cherishes the simple things in life and teaches us that money is not the only aim in life. There is a wonderful section where the discussion is about making money Vs losing your time and being near loved ones. This may seem Utopian but in our 'achievement' spree we should not forget that we should give time to loved ones. If your 'profession' is taking time away from your loved ones, and your peace away from yourself,  it isn't the right profession. Adi and Nidhi compliment each other very well and their chemistry is excellent.
Image courtesy imdb

All the actors have done a tremendous job in the movie. The child artists, and all characters are reletable.  This is the directorial debut for Krishna, and I'm excited about the Kannada film industry. This movie is driven by talent and emotion, not big names or mindless marketing. Raghu Dixit has composed the music, and it touches your heart. The background music and songs are beautiful. I got addicted to the song Janumagale Kaayuve and listened to it on loop while writing this post.

The visuals (Cinematography = Sri Crazymindz ) have elevated the beauty of enchanting Karnataka, beautiful Mysore and the verdant western Ghats (captured excellently during monsoon). The Drone shots provide a new perspective to the natural beauty of the state.
Image courtesy imdb

If I have to nitpick, I would say that there were a couple of sections which were unnecessary. If removed, this might have been a much more enjoyable viewing. And if dialects were authentic, I would have loved it!

The movie made us reflect about a lot of things - true love, true friendship, work and life, and what really matters. Do watch this movie and let me know your thoughts.

Thanks, Krips for the insightful opinions ;) )


  1. Very nicely summarised chandhan ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ you are pretty good at this. I read your last review on KGF and was waiting for your next. Keep up the good work. All the best ๐Ÿ‘

  2. Seriously wow Jiju, how well you write and how deeply you inform. Iam waiting for your upcoming blog ๐Ÿ˜Š

  3. The content of details are crisp and neat, i like how you connect the characters and explain.. Its amazing to read your Blog, Keep rocking..


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