Shaheed-i-Azam Sardar Udham Singh

We watched a crushing story involving the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, one of the most cold - hearted war crimes of the 20th century. The last hour was too gut - wrenching to even watch. I'll never be able to fathom the kind of evil responsible for this mass murder, and for smugly rationalizing it automatically reserved a special place in hell for those responsible, right on satan's lap. 

And later I realized that the story of the person shown in the movie, the avenger of Jallianwala Bagh, Shaheed-i-Azam Sardar Udham Singh is true.

I'm ashamed, shattered and angry that there is no mention of the history surrounding this glorious martyr in our school books. How is it that we had to memorize random useless crap and that this amazing tale of the indomitable spirt eluded us? This is nothing short of treason.


He was one of those profoundly affected by the calamity that fateful day, and vowed to exact his revenge, no matter what, no matter how long it would take. The events which unfold are nothing short of unbelievable. Spanning multiple countries, aliases and people, Udham's Singh was devoted to only one thing - to bring the scum responsible for the massacre to their own brand of justice. Everywhere he went, he fought for equality and for the rights of the working class. As I keep reading, it is a trivia overload. HSRA. Ghadar party. IWA

On his 75'th death anniversary, New- Delhi based The Ska vengers honoured his life by creating this amazing tribute. The Asian dub foundation have created this in his memory.

His last words. What a firebrand! The parts in the movie when him and Shaheed Bhagath Singh are together are mind- blowing, and it is tantalizing to even imagine a future when these daredevils would have led full lives. These are moments of gold

Blazing. Shine on, sir. Source.

‘What greater honour could be bestowed on me than death for the sake of my motherland.’
Each and every person should read about the massacre, and about this man. You might get a glimpse of the depravity of man, and of of someone who has made up his mind. He was one of the pivotal people responsible for stirring up dissent against the shameless colonial government. The whole country is forever indebted to heroes like him who lived for an ideal and didn't blink an eye to devote their entire lives for the motherland. Just imagine, after being beaten up for days to make him spit out at least his name, he replied as "Ram Mohammad Singh Azad". Just this is enough to warrant deep contemplation, in today's troubled times. What kind of useless crap are we fighting for? STOP and THINK, at least for a second, guys.

Long live revolution. Refuse. Resist.


  1. Jalianwala bagh massacre is well know event in history but very few might be knowing about Udham Singh till date. The movie is awesome and does proper justice by highlight bravery and love of Udham Singh towards his motherland India.

    1. Very true ! The first step is knowing. Thanks for your comment.


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